Proud member of the Association of Complementary Animal Therapies

A proud member of the Association of Complementary Animal Therapies

Laura from Equiflexion trained with the Institute of Complementary Animal Therapies

Trained with the Institute of Complementary Animal Therapies.

How do I know if my horse needs a treatment?

If some of these characteristics sound familiar to you then your horse could benefit from an Equiflexion Musculoskeletal Treatment:


Does your horse show any of the following when being ridden:

  • Shortened strides
  • Incorrect canter lead
  • Problems with lateral work
  • Hollowing of the back
  • Head carriage issues
  • Stiff on one rein
  • Bucking or rearing
  • Toe dragging
  • Not engaging hindquarters
  • Refusing or knocking down fences uncharacteristically

Bucking horse

Muscular tension or vertebral restrictions can be the cause of numerous ridden problems.

Horse knocks fence down



If your horse shows any of the following behavioural signs they may benefit from a treatment:

  • Unhappy being groomed
  • Irritated being tacked up
  • Not standing still to mount
  • Kicking out
  • Started to bite

horse bad behaviour

Horses are generally very tolerant animals and will withstand a lot of discomfort before asking us for help, which can sometimes be misinterpreted as bad behaviour. It could be your horse’s way of telling you that he is in discomfort which is putting him in a bad mood!

An Equiflexion Musculoskeletal Treatment will identify any muscular soreness restricted vertebra which could help your horse get back to his old self. Massage also affects the neurological system so can improve your horse’s overall feeling of wellbeing - the majority of horses find massage therapy very relaxing!


Treatments can also help horses who have:

  • Delayed recovery after competition
  • Been cast
  • Had saddle fitting problems
  • Suffered a fall or other injury
  • Uneven muscle development

Horse suffering a fall whilst jumping a fence

Remember that Equine Musculoskeletal Therapy is not a replacement for veterinary care and veterinary permission must be sought before treatment. Laura will refer you to your vet for treatment if required.